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HLDAS Racing Pigeon Eye Analysis Service-黃氏認證鴿眼分析服務.
Pulished-發佈: Mar.. 3rd, 2016
Closing Time-結拍:
6:30pm, Mar. 11, 2016, Taipei time-
台北時間: 2016年 3月11 日星期五下午六點半.
Bidding started at US$100.00 mim. with price up gap US$10.00
起標價: 美金100.00, 加價間距 美金10.00元.
固定匯率 30:1 收款帳戶;玉山銀行代號808, 帳號: 0015-940-117908
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The bid target is "HLDAS Analysis of photos of eye of 5 pigeons(provided by bidder and approved by HLDAS) as one lot" with the analysis report (Graphic as follows-One Group Chart of 5 and 5 Single Charts) to be sent to you via your bidding email address within 7 working days after receipt of your payment.
拍賣標的為: 五張(隻)鴿眼照片為一單位的鴿眼分析服務. 分析結果(如下列曲線圖-1張5隻群組圖, 5 張單鴿圖)將會在收到您的付款7個工作天之內,透過您投標用的 email將報告寄交給您.
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