Fuzzy Biofeedback Inc.
商業, 生活, 娛樂, 運動,自然, 靈修
Biofeedback Apparatus, Analysis & Applications
Business, Living, Recreations, Sports, Natural, Spirituals
Our Email: hldas1948@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HLDAS
黃鎮參- 執行董事
Steve Huang, Managing Director
2014, Taipei
連娟娟- 董事
Elaine Lian, Director
2013, Belgium
Fuzzy Biofeedback Inc.
Funding Objects and History:
1. 公司創建沿革(History):
本公司由黃鎮參先生在連娟娟女士協助下於2014年2月提出登記, 四月份取得:
Company Registration was approved by the government in April 2014 with Steve Huang as Managing Director and Elaine Lian as Director:
Company Unified Number 54686915
VAT Code: 111015652
籍設(Office Site):
台北市敦化北路167號宏國大樓17樓B區138室 郵遞區號10549
Suite 138, 17/B No. 167, Dunhua N. Road, Taipei, 10549, Taiwan
電話(Tel:): 02-2717-1999分機(Ext.)3381
儀器購置(Apparatus Purchase)
April 2014:
最新編輯日期(Latest Editing): 2014-05-20
2. 公司t創建宗旨(Founding Objects):
a. 選定生物反饋系統相關產業為主要經營範疇, 以提升顧客生命福祉為手段達到公司經營獲利,成長的目標.
Enhancement of well being of beings through development of Biofeedback related business.
b. 透過生物反饋系統的應用建立兼顧生態,環境保護與經濟發展的企業經營模式.
Creattion of economic development model serving both development and ecological/environmental protection purposes through application of biofeedback system.
c. 體察外在環境由工業經濟走向知識經濟的朝流.
In appreciation of the trend of transition from Industrial to knowledge economy.
d. 體察電子商務加速取代傳統商業的潮流.
In appreciation of the trend of transition from traditional business model toward E. Commerce.
最新編輯日期(Latest Editing): 2014-05-20
Adding multilanguage button, linking the English button to that of Mandarin
Adding embed function of facebook to the site.
Restructuring Header of the pages.
2014/08/22 launch of our company's first product-Fuzzy biofeedback ob match making chart:
Sep 30, 2014: Launch of Fuzzy soulbook
Inneractive Aura Imager
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