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側寫(Profile): 黃鎮參(Steve Huang)
性別(Sex): 男(Male)
出生(Born): July 30, 1948 , 獅子座( a Leo), B 血型(Blood Type)
At a hills village in central Taiwan
1. 父母(已故)與六兄弟(目前全部健在)
Parents(both passed away) and six brothers(All still alive at this date of Febrary 5, 2015)
2. 太太與兩個兒子(Wife and Two Sons)
3. 第三代(Thard Generation):
教育(Education): 1968~1971
BS , Agricultural Economics,
National Chung Hsing University
Taichung, Taiwan
Main Career:
Founder: Hamburg Trading Company Limited.
尊敬的父親希望我成為與他一樣的稱職的公務員, 我則另有夢想.
鑒於英文與生物是我較具競爭力的學門, 決定選擇貿易作為職業,生命奧秘的探索為志向.
退伍後經過兩左右, 從紡織公司外貿員,貿易公司助理,食品加工廠經理, 決定自行創業, 1975年創建自己的貿易公司, 從事雜貨的內外貿易業務.
Respectable father recommend that I should work as a civil servant.
However, I have my own idea. In view of English and Biology been two dicipines I had had been reltively competitive, opted to engage in Internation Trading as profession and discovery of secretary of life as aspiration. After two years of trial jobs in three compnies, fonded in 1975 my own sundry trading firm:
公司成立一年多之後, 除了些並不成功的內銷業務,終於有了一位美國客戶購買諸如網球握把皮條,保齡球袋,雨衣......之後,感受到目標市場一探究竟的必要性. 1976年向父親借款新台幣十萬元赴美考察四十三天攝於美加邊境的尼阿加拉瀑布旁.
After export of items such as Leather Tennis Grips, Raincoats, Bowling Bag to USA, sensed the need to pay a visit to learn more about the market, borrowed from father 2500 USD and made a trip to USA for 43 days. Following photo was taken at that trip at Niagara fall, USA, Canada border.
總部設於紐約,全球超過五十家分支機構,當時最大大宗物資貿易商- Phibro 台北分公司貿易員. 以金屬及廢五金為主要業務.
Commodity Trader, Taipei office, American based Phibro, then world largest commodity trader with more than 50 office all over the world. Main business: Metals and Scraps.
前述四十三天的美國市場考察並未帶來新客戶, 卻帶來一個總結:"美國(世界)市場如此之大,應該捨棄個人企業的模式,尋求加入跨國公司求發展." 回國之後立即將公司遷至台北, 除了繼續原有的努力, 開始尋找加入跨國公司的機會. 一則過時(數天)的美商跨國貿易公司的報紙求才廣告讓我遞出求職信, 成了兩千多名求職者中十一位接受面試者之一. 落選之後奮力爭取, 終於被破格錄用.
The above mentioned visit to the States did not bring any new customer, it did bring a new concept to my mind though: "USA(World) market is so huge, it should be a better approach to join a global organization, instead of work as an individual small firm, to develop business more successfully." With such concept, upon return from trip to Taiwan, I moved the company to Taipei immediately to Continue the original business style, meanwhile, started to look for a job in an global organization. An ad on an few days old newspaper looking for a steel trader made me to summit my job application with leading to a hire after failure at first place and two strong appeals subseqently.
上左圖(Upper Left):
Photo was taken with ex-boss, Mr. Nelson Hsieh, then, Genneral Manager, Phibro Taipei office at his house.
上右圖(Upper Right):
1979 年四月因個人因素離開公司, 以純金打造公司標誌感謝薛老闆給的工作機會及指導.
A company logo made in pure gold was presented to ex-boss, Mr. Nelson Hsieh, as a token of my appreciation for the job and traing he gave me during 2 years 4 month as staff of the company.
Fonder/Managing Director, Richco (Taiwan Ltd.)
瑞士商 馬克瑞士/恩那可公司 台灣總代理
Sole Agent: Marc Rich + Co, Enerco AG Switzland.
從事 能源(石油,石油煉製品,煤炭等能源物資, 銅精礦,氧化鋁等礦產, 銅, 鋁, 鋅...等金屬, 黃豆,玉米,大麥,小麥,高粱....等糧食整船貿易業務.
1979-1988-Managing Director, Richco Taiwan Limted
Physical Commodity Trading, Energies, Metals and Minerals, Grainds.
創辦人, 執行董事~
(Fonder, Managing Director)~Fuzzy Biofeedback Inc.
*A retired physical commodity trader
*A proprietary futures trader
*A past president of Taipei Down Town Lions Club.
*A pigeon fancier since 1963
A computer game-Angry Bird fan.
*Developer of Huangs Life Decoding & Application System(HLDAS)
A happy and active aged man
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